Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Module 7/8 - GIS Data Search

This module was basically a lab in which we created maps with much less step-by-step instruction. Our objectives were to learn to select GIS data to meet the needs of a project, download and manage  data from multiple sources, and to create maps using the data from multiple sources.

Each student was assigned a different county in Florida to map. We were provided a list of several data layers that were mandatory to use in our map and 4 environmental data layers (of which we had to choose 2). We also had to use a digital elevation model (DEM) and a DOQQ.

In this map, I chose to display a lot of layers. It has 3 data frames so that not too much is in any one place. The bottom left layer displays the cities and towns and major roads. The city of Tampa lies in this county, so there is a rather extensive road network which I had to clip to just the major highways. I also clipped the cities where I only displayed larger and medium sized cities and towns. The bottom right frame shows the land cover of Hillsborough County. I used a light to dark green color scale for this. The top left scale shows the invasive species layer, with the county boundary in red. I chose to only use one invasive species for this map (Caesar's Weed) so that the map would not be too busy. I placed all 3 of my legends in the top right frame, ensured all my data was in a single map projection, and made sure all the essential map elements were there.

This map is another map of Hillsborough County. This shows the digital elevation model (DEM), the state parks (public land), the surface water in the county, and the DOQQ I selected. I wanted to choose a color that stood out for the DEM as opposed to the gray scale, I chose the bright green color scale for the state parks and blue for the water, and placed an inset of the DOQQ beside the county, so its a little easier to see. I ensured the map layers were in the same Albers Conical Equal Area projection and placed the essential map elements.

Overall, I enjoyed this lab, but it was challenging. Downloading and reprojecting the data (if I needed to) wasn't too difficult, even though some of the data was difficult to find. The most difficult part for me was in deciding how I wanted to lay out the maps. I needed to make a decision quickly as things came up and I didn't have as much time as I would have liked, but I think they came out well in the end. I learned a lot, especially about data selection. I look forward to next week's lab!

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