Monday, May 18, 2015

Module 1 - Introduction to Python

This was our first week in GIS Programming, and the first assignment is mainly intended to get us used to the software and editors that we will be using to create Python scripts. Python is a programming language created in 1991 by Guido van Rossum and, as of version 10.0, is the primary scripting language used in ArcGIS. We were introduced to Python 2.7, including the PythonWIN editor and IDLE. We were also introduced to pseudocode, which is language similar to English that allows us to represent a program concisely.

Our main assignment this week was to run a script using PythonWin. The script creates folders for all 12 modules in our GIS Programming directory, as well as 3 folders with each module folder.  This was a rather simple task. I had an error the first time I attempted it as I had already created a folder for module 1, but removing that folder and rerunning the script easily fixed that error. Below is the screenshot of the folders that the script created. You can see all 12 module folders and on the right, the 3 folders within Module 1.

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