Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Module 4 -- ArcGIS Online and Map Packages

In this lab we learned about ArcGIS Online and creating and uploading map packages. Prior to this, I had some experience uploading to ArcGIS Online through another course, but not with map packages. We learned the differences between Map Packages and Tile Packages, and when to use which.

One aspect of this lab that I found interesting was having different layer groups displayed at different extents of the map. We had one group layer that we set to not display if you zoom too close and another that we set to not display if you zoomed too far out. I think this can be very useful if you have a lot of data layers that you want to display at different distances. Also of interest to me was the creation of a map package with only layers relevant to the end user, and then uploading it to ArcGIS Online where I can choose which group or groups to share the end product with. Below are two screenshots of the map packages after they were uploaded to ArcGIS Online.

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